Travel, mishap, and adventure in a beautiful and bizarre world.

About the Blog

About Me
Hi, I'm Angelina Shandro (aka Angie). I'm thirteen years old, and I go to St. Michaels University School (SMUS) in Victoria, BC. My favourite sport is running, and I'm a sprinter on the UVic Vikes team. I also do soccer, rowing and swimming. I love to play the violin and make music, and I also enjoy acting and drama. In my spare time, I make movies with my brother, Stefan, or explore Mount Tolmie with my friend Ava. I've been to Europe, the United States, and more local destinations closer to home (in Canada).
Every post on my blog has been written based on my actual experiences in that place, and detail what to expect, how to get there, and how best to spend your time. I review restaurants, locations, methods of transport, some popular attractions, and other places that you've probably never heard of.
I also enjoy writing amusing stories, particularly about my travel experiences. Adventures and travelling are a lot of fun for me, as I enjoy exploring new cultures and lifestyles. I hope you enjoy reading my blog!

Goal of Blog
The goal of this blog is to educate you (the reader) about places and attractions in France, the US, and Canada. If you happen to be travelling in one of these countries, I hope you might go to some of the places I have suggested. Even if you're not actually going to the attractions I have reviewed, I hope you enjoy reading the travel stories and maybe learn a little about the culture of that country. I also want to provide travel advice and tips to people of all ages, so they can enjoy their time on vacation. (This way, the blog will be useful to people who aren't going to the places I describe, but still love travel.) Note: Although I try to review places within a year after I have visited them, I'm not always travelling and a lot can change between the time I have visited a place and when I actually review it. This is an informal blog that's mainly for fun reading, so don't count on something to be exactly the way I've described it. If the information is useful to you, that's great!

Intended Audience
I hope this blog provides fun and interesting reading for not only kids, but anyone who is passionate about travel and adventures. It's a good source of information for adults who may be travelling to the places I describe, and kids can read stories about how a cat fell through our roof and other fun stuff.

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